Salomon Lipschutz & Co. has been one of the largest and leading law firms in Israel since it was founded in 1923, engaging with over nine decades of largescale and diversified legal activity. Clients of the Firm enjoy comprehensive legal advice in commercial, civil and public law.

Our worldview rests on customer needs. Understanding that changes currently occur faster and more frequently than in the past, we make sure to maintain daily contact with out clients and operate out of flexible thinking and speedy response. Read More

News and Updates

As we approach our 100th birthday, Salomon Lipschutz & Co. is excited to launch our alumni community, bringing together connections, old and new.

Click here to sign up


Excited to celebrate our 100th birthday shortly, launching a fresh, new website reflecting the history, tradition and future outlook of our firm.

Law student?

Click here to learn about Salomon Lipschutz Internship program

Approching 100 years, Looking forward to centuries ahead


Community Relations

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We believe that as a leading law firm being involved in the Israeli economy for decades, we have social commitment and responsibility…